For a while, summers were bittersweet to me. Summer after 3rd grade my friend Beth Surles died in a car accident with an 18-wheeler. I can remember it like yesterday. I was sitting in the front room where the tv currently is playing cards with Dylan and Carly. Mom came in and told them to leave. Then she broke the news to me. I remember planting my face into this long, gold tube pillow we had, but I didn't cry. I didn't know how to feel. This was the first time I'd ever had to process a big piece of information like this. I don't think it felt real. I didn't go to the funeral or visitation. How the hell are you supposed to do that at such a young age? I know I cried eventually. But I don't remember that moment.
I remember one day soon after (or may that same day I found out) I was in the back room of our house and CMT was on (country music television). I was still in the midst of my country phase. A Trisha Yearwood video came on. It's black and white and she's walking by the ocean. Maybe it's "Walk Away Joe." Maybe not. I know it when I hear it. And it always reminds me of that summer. That afternoon. Maybe this is why when I hear country music (esp country music from the 90's), it brings a similar feeling of sadness and isolation that summer carries.
From then on, I remember feeling a little scared in the summer-- not like terrified but a worried, nervous scared. When you're little summer is mainly about family vacations and seeing a few friends at the pool. Not school friends. And so a tinge of fear grew inside me that my friends would die in the summer. School ended and you no longer saw people on a regular basis. You no longer saw them every day to confirm they were still alive. I remember this distaste for summer being there until the summer I fell in love with Camp Bratton Green. 1996. I had been for 2 years prior to 96 but the summer after 6th grade is when it became my second home... and summer was no longer a time when my friends might all die. Instead, it was a time to see some of my most beloved friends and have the time of our lives.
The fear and worry is certainly gone. But summer never really shed it's fatal reputation for me. Bad things continued to mainly happen in the summer. In fact, really the only significant death in my life that hasn't been in the summer is my grandmother's. By no means am I implying I have had a boat load of tragedy to deal with. But just of the few things that have indirectly or directly affected me, they seem to always happen in the summer. I feel like my friend Ann Marie's parents got divorced in the summer (or that's when I learned of it), Pecos died in the summer, Beth's dad died in the summer, Ann Marie's grandma died in the summer, last summer my friend David's dad died, and this year (near the end of April) a student at OHS lost his battle with a brain tumor... not quite summer but the weather is certainly warm enough in April to make it feel like it. I only really know what funerals are like in the sweltering, Mississippi heat.
I guess this first week of summer -- after a few days oscillating between mental states of joy, relief, exhaustion, realization that school's out!, repeat -- this is the next thing that popped into my mind. I was driving today and remembered last summer when Mom, Dylan, Joe and I visited the place where Pecos drowned. I wondered if the people directly affected by any of the events above are preparing their hearts for the anniversary of their tragic event. Does the initial feeling of stale, humid summer air ignite the memory of their loss? Or is there another trigger... the date on the calendar? a sound? a smell?
I couldn't be happier that summer is here... especially this year. But it still ushers in these thoughts and memories with it. I guess this is why I couldn't fight the urge to tell my students to "have a fun summer, but please be careful" as they walked out my door for the last time. I still have a little bit of the worried little girl in me. So, you please be careful too.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Bad Teacher
Exams are made. This is supposed to be easy week for me. Give exams. Grade exams. Noooo for some reason my body wanted to make this week just as difficult as all the other weeks.
Sunday night went to bed with a tummy ache.
Made it through school Monday somehow without puking. I pretty much just told my kids to study on their own and I put my head down on my desk. Then put in a video when they were finished. Bad Teacher.
Monday night didn't fare so well. Every 3 hours or less I was in the bathroom.
First day of exams and I just couldn't go to school. And we are NOT supposed to miss school this week unless it is ABSOLUTELY necessary. I've pushed through a lot of feeling awful and still gone to work. But not today. I don't think it's acceptable to run out of the room on 25 students taking an exam to go to the shitter.
Now I'm on the couch with my half eaten banana, chicken noodle soup, saltines, and Gatorade watching "One Fine Day." Really? With 3 and a half days left I get a stomach bug? Really?
It's fine. I'll be back tomorrow with my bland snacks in tow. And this year will soon be OVER!
It's been good though. And I feel optimistic about next year. Somewhere near the end of April I was in an intense "I can't stand these kids" all the time... wondering how I was gonna be able to do this for multiple years. But then things started letting up. And then seniors had their last day. And then I just completely let off the gas pedal I'd been holding down all year. And I started to feel like me again.
Sunday night went to bed with a tummy ache.
Made it through school Monday somehow without puking. I pretty much just told my kids to study on their own and I put my head down on my desk. Then put in a video when they were finished. Bad Teacher.
Monday night didn't fare so well. Every 3 hours or less I was in the bathroom.
First day of exams and I just couldn't go to school. And we are NOT supposed to miss school this week unless it is ABSOLUTELY necessary. I've pushed through a lot of feeling awful and still gone to work. But not today. I don't think it's acceptable to run out of the room on 25 students taking an exam to go to the shitter.
Now I'm on the couch with my half eaten banana, chicken noodle soup, saltines, and Gatorade watching "One Fine Day." Really? With 3 and a half days left I get a stomach bug? Really?
It's fine. I'll be back tomorrow with my bland snacks in tow. And this year will soon be OVER!
It's been good though. And I feel optimistic about next year. Somewhere near the end of April I was in an intense "I can't stand these kids" all the time... wondering how I was gonna be able to do this for multiple years. But then things started letting up. And then seniors had their last day. And then I just completely let off the gas pedal I'd been holding down all year. And I started to feel like me again.
Second Semester
It is April 30. I have less than a month of this thing left. Less than a month and I will know the feeling of immense, unending relief. More relief than when I finished my Master's. More relief than when I finished my Bachelor's. But I can't start thinking about that relief yet.
It's still go time. 2 weeks then exams. Really once I get the exams made, I'm home freeeeee.
This semester has literally flown by. More weekend activities/trips were possible.
February was Mardi Gras ball in NOLA and basketball games/championships.
March was wedding showers, bachelorette fun and a wedding.
Also spring break... which I now refer to as the summer tease. You get a glimpse of what your life will be like for 2 straight months. But the cruel reality is you still have a SIGNIFICANT amount of school left. Another 9 weeks.
April has been "Stay In Town" month. After being out of town for something like 4 or 5 weekends in a row... it's been nice to stay put. Between football/grove season in the fall and Double Decker festival this past weekend, I've really come to like Oxford because it means friends come to me. I don't have to travel as much to see them. So that's a first. To live somewhere where you get a steady flow of visitors. This also helps me keep my apartment clean on a more regular basis. Chaperoned my first high school prom. The theme was Midnight in Paris. So we dressed like this:

May. May brings 3 more weddings. And then it brings summer. In Florida, we didn't get summer until the beginning of June. Here we get summer before Memorial Day. Summer sweet summer. Just a little bit longer.
It's still go time. 2 weeks then exams. Really once I get the exams made, I'm home freeeeee.
This semester has literally flown by. More weekend activities/trips were possible.
February was Mardi Gras ball in NOLA and basketball games/championships.
March was wedding showers, bachelorette fun and a wedding.
Also spring break... which I now refer to as the summer tease. You get a glimpse of what your life will be like for 2 straight months. But the cruel reality is you still have a SIGNIFICANT amount of school left. Another 9 weeks.
April has been "Stay In Town" month. After being out of town for something like 4 or 5 weekends in a row... it's been nice to stay put. Between football/grove season in the fall and Double Decker festival this past weekend, I've really come to like Oxford because it means friends come to me. I don't have to travel as much to see them. So that's a first. To live somewhere where you get a steady flow of visitors. This also helps me keep my apartment clean on a more regular basis. Chaperoned my first high school prom. The theme was Midnight in Paris. So we dressed like this:
May. May brings 3 more weddings. And then it brings summer. In Florida, we didn't get summer until the beginning of June. Here we get summer before Memorial Day. Summer sweet summer. Just a little bit longer.
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