And then, all of a sudden, the land looked like this. For about 10 minutes there was snow blanketing the Spanish earth. It was also snowing when we stopped for lunch.
Then it went away, and I saw this. My friend Matt told me these bulls are all over the place. He thinks they were originally an advertisement for some type of beer.
Arrival in Córdoba.
The first stop was this Mosque/Cathedral. It has been used by both the Muslims and the Christians throughout history.
You walk in and there is this amazing hall of endless arches.
Different kind of arch

This was the room where the Muslim prayer person would stand to belt out the prayers. He could be heard throughout the mosque. It faces Mecca. Arabic writing (probably a prayer) is what you see within that square.
Ceiling of prayer room
Outside the Mosque/Cathedral

Walking through the streets of Córdoba
Group shot

Skinny street

Leaving Córdoba on this big bride. That's the city in the background
Just in case you need to say a prayer while crossing the bridge.

Something's happening in Córdoba in 5 years. Be there.
Then we got back on the bus and traveled 2 hours to Sevilla.
Nice hotel rooms. Really appreciate this after experiencing a hostel.
Dinner in Sevilla. Bulls joined us.
Ok, normally, food pictures annoy me. So I don't usually post them. But I haven't been branching out a lot lately in the food department, and here I I documented it.
It was chicken with spinach sauce and it was good.
Next, we went to a bar these other girls had visited.
The owner is Weird Al Yankovic's twin Spanish brother. Tell me that he's not!

Our director, Ignacio, came out with us. We tried to teach him a drinking game.
Also, in Spanish, the nick name for "Ignacio" is Nacho. It's one of my favorite things I've learned.
My goal is to meet a person who goes by Nacho. I think we got some kids in my school who are Nachos.

At some point, "Sweet Caroline" came on and we went nuts. You'd never heard a better chorus of "Baa baa baa's" in your life.
So fun. Tinto Veranos were one euro.
Good night Sevilla
Wonder if those are famous bulls?