We started really courting this house in January. It was the most exhausting courtship. Going to banks, discovering how important credit was (and how detrimental NO credit was), and learning a WHOLE new vocabulary related to house buying. Some of our favorites:
origination fee
earnest money
I feel like I really learned to speak another language. And like another language, I now find myself having conversations in this language. Conversations I never used to have but can now have with people who know this language too. Conversations that start up and about half way through I think "Oh wow we are really talking about this. How boring / foreign this would've been to me a year ago or even a 4 months ago."
Once things started rolling with the bank and the headache of daily scanning documents came to an end (they even needed my FSU diploma) we really started to believe we might get this house. I didn't let myself get excited until the day before closing. Again, "are you excited??" -- NO, this is not exciting. Nothing about buying the house was exciting to me. Exhausting. Tedious. Time consuming. Those are adjectives I'd use. "Exciting" is saved until AFTER the closing.
We closed March 1. We took a half day off of school. It was lightly snowing as we ran around the house with the inspector who was inspecting the house literally 2 hours before we were supposed to close. Then, we signed a gozillion documents in a nice little law office and just like that - the house was ours.
We moved in right before spring break. I dislike moving almost as much as house buying. But Joe got some big strong boys from the power lifting team to help. You'd think the worst would be moving the big stuff, but for me it's all the random little crap that is a pain. On the last day we were trying to get all the random little crap out of the apt. things happened like: Joe dropping and shattering a glass jar on the kitchen floor or me tracking in a dollop of dog poo on my shoe. Small things in the end but headaches at the time.
We LUCKED out and overheard a girl at church talking about this estate sale she was running. We went to look at what she had and scored two bedroom sets of wooden furniture.
We have quickly entered the world of decorating (which comes with vocab of it's own). This we learned is called a "great room." And it is a great room. Or it will be one day when we get it looking great.
Joe and our couch cushion as we traveled Oxford to find rugs. We're gonna need lots of rugs. Sound is bouncing all around our empty concrete floors.
He found this chair. Major improvement from ugly orange one. Look at that comfort.
We didn't buy this rug. But we looked at lots like it. I don't have a pic of the one we picked. It'll be here soon.
Things about living in a house (especially one with no rugs) : 1) You need house shoes. House shoes also mean that the sound of shuffling feet on the floor is becoming very familiar.
3) Unsolicited (yet much needed) advice - big things in life tend to come with this. Weddings, Kids, and Houses. People got either advice or stories about their own and they like to share it with you. Seeing as how most adults our age and older live in a house, there is plenty of advice going around. But it's advice you really try and listen to cause it's your house...and you wanna get it right.
4) The answer to "What'd you do this week or over the break?" is and will probably forever be "We worked on the house."
We are old.
More on the exciting world of interior decorating later.
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