Besides Spain, I mean what else can you say about the rest of a summer. Lame compared to Spain.
Fall started with me teaching 7 classes instead of 6. Whoa big difference. New principal's first year came with some changes both good and bad.
2015 -- Big year. We are living in the future. I'll tell you how I know. It's in Back to the Future and I read it in the paper 50 years ago. Homecoming theme obviously was BTTF. And Joe was OBVIOUSLY Marty McFly for the parade. His Marty wig didn't come in on time.
Marty and Jennifer
George and Marty McFly
That fall Chris Johnson lived in Oxford and he and Joe got to live their dream of doing this scene around the square. Dream big kids.
My AP Class
80's day
50's day
In 2015 we also rented our house for the first time for football games. We all moved into Joe's parents. Poor kitties.
Teacher Xmas party.
Marguerite and Andi and Sue at Thanksgiving. Or maybe xmas. Can't remember.
Xmas 2015. Dylan's girlfriend's new pup. She has had several names so I don't know what it is now or was in this pic.
Snow in 2016. Not as epic as the 2015 snow day with "that bump" but it was still good. Got some days off school. Played guitar hero at Scott and Ginny's and drank a lot of coffee.
Spring break = Bahama's boat trip. (1st and last for me but hey, glad I had the experience)
When you're pale with sensitive skin to sunscreen and you get motion sick easy, sail boat trip is just now your cup o tea. Here's me loving the land and the shade with this chicken. I could totally get into a burquini. (Bur-kini)??
Mermaid attempt
Some of our boat with captain Charley.
Teacher PD day at end of school. Uh.
June - Mom and I go to NOLA to see Wicked
Sabatier reunion in Oxford for Jim and Linda's 40th anniversary!
Joe and Pop start a sailing camp at Sardis.
God daughter goes to CBG for first time!
Bye maxima. Hellooooo big truck. Thanks Elizabeth!
Friends come to the fair for 1st time!
Other summer things: maybe the last year of the above ground pool. Didn't use it that much. I chilled while Joe sailed and then became 9th grade head football coach. Yeah, he was done with it, but then this opportunity came up and it comes with $$$ and ... Joe hearts Chris Cutcliffe.
Chris J. left Oxford for Mobile.
Our 4th of July party was epic. Dazed and Confused in the pool and booming fireworks that won a complaint on the neighborhood Facebook page.
Anna and Ann Marie news = pregnant!
Back to school pep rally 2016 =
Charley and Katie moved to Oxford! And Katie's mom Lauren and Keith turned 2!
Pop turned 60 something
September 2016 will forever be a book end, dividing two portions of my life's timeline. The 2nd half still a bit of an unknown. The first half decidedly more carefree and .... over.
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