The weekend I was in London was the weekend that Europe's time changed. Not sure why it waited two weeks, but it did.
Traveling with time change can be tricky. Luckily I wasn't flying out until Monday morning (but the time change would still find a way to have its fun with me)
Sunday, Sarah and I got up and headed to east London, which took at least 45 minutes (one reason she doesn't like to go there much).
And she says that east London is "so trendy and edgy. Alex and I wouldn't fit there."
More views from Sarah's flat
View from the bus on the way to east London
We de-bussed and stopped to buy a snack. I had a banana peel I wanted to toss. I asked the man in the store if he had a trash can. He didn't understand. "Trash? Garbage?" I tried everything I knew. (He was Indian or something who seemed to know a little English)
Sarah translated to British English: "A Bin?"
He understood, but said no.
Oh come on.. you know you have a bin! Whatever.
I wanted to see St. Paul's cathedral. So that's where we were headed.
I could have sworn that when we were in Sevilla (visiting the world's 3rd largest cathedral) that someone told us the second largest cathedral was in London.
I'm almost positive we were told this because I remember thinking after Rome, "Oh, how cool would it be to say I've seen the 3 largest cathedrals after I go to London."
So I looked it up online before I left ... only to find out that St. Paul's is like the 17th largest in the world. It's not even the second largest in Europe. And I know I didn't miss understand the person who told us it was second because Wikipedia said the second largest is in Brazil. I would've remembered Brazil. And it had some long name.
London was just teaching me all kinds of lessons. First the bridge (which I'll soon get to) and now THIS.
Oh well, guess I'll have to go to Brazil next.
Walking up to St. Paul's

No pictures inside. London apparently thinks its cathedrals and churches are a little more special than all the rest. Fine. You're only 17th anyways.
Walking around to the entrance we saw this man with a squirrel on his shoulder and he was feeding it. Doesn't seem like a good idea unless you want your ears gnawed off.
Oh and London squirrels are huge. You can't tell in this picture... but he was a fatty. Maybe it's not so much London squirrels as it is just squirrels who live in tourist areas.

Daffodils and Tulips


Sarah crossing the street to Tower of London

Tower of London... definitely didn't know what this was. The crown jewels are inside.
They are also on post cards in the gift shop.
Soooo 20 pound entrance cost or free viewing of a post card? What do you think?
Whose dog is in the moat?
Ok now the bridge. The pub guys from the night before told us that London bridge is not the pretty bridge we were obviously thinking of (since I had said, "I have to see London Bridge before I leave!")
They said, "No, the bridge you are thinking of is called Tower Bridge. London Bridge is just a regular bridge."
NO WAY. Sarah and I were both stunned.
We had to confirm it with the cab driver who took us home.
And we still had to confirm it ourselves online the next morning.
Sure enough... the pub guys were right. So now I am POSITIVE they walked away that night thinking I was a COMPLETE moron.
THIS, ladies and gentlemen, is London Bridge...(not the thing up close... the bridge in the back)
London Bridge used to be beautiful...but it had lots of reconstructions and issues (hence all the falling down) so it's current form is just like any other bridge. And then we heard/read that the U.S. bought London bridge, and some unimpressive form of it is in Arizona. The rumor is that the U.S. was tricked ...or they thought they were buying the pretty bridge and then they got stuck with the loser bridge. I don't know if this is true or not. But it IS TRUE that London Bridge sucks. And Tower Bridge is the one to see.
X is for NOT the London Bridge
T is for Tower Bridge
Such a lovely bridge
So towerful

We walked around a little before lunch. Went to this market near our restaurant.
Not only does London have loads of name-brand stores, its markets have really cute clothes too. I would be soooo fashionable (like Sarah) if I lived in London.
Church in east London

We took the tube back west, and I took a few final pictures as we walked to the bus stop.
Sarah and I had a snog

Trippy snog ceiling

And then we road a bus home...both sufficiently worn out.

I packed everything I possibly could before bed because I had to get up at 3:30 a.m. to start heading to the airport. Until London, I hadn't really had a desire to buy souvenirs for myself. But something about that flag and the royals ... I don't know what it was... I turned into a crazy woman.
Me and my purchases:
3 T-shirts
a ring from the market
a Kate and William bag
a shiney coin purse of the flag
and several post cards
Maybe it doesn't sound like a lot...but it was when I was trying to fit it all in my full little backpack. Perhaps I was a little proud of my first solo trip and subconsciously wanted some things to show for it. But I really just think it was that flag.
uhhh 3 a.m. came so quick.
3:45 - start walking to bus stop
4:10 - arrive at bus stop
4:30 - get on the bus
Trying to get a shot of Ben at night from the bus... didn't work so well.

5:05 - make it just in time to the station to get on the 5:10 train.
6:00 arrive at airport and go through all the fun airport stuff.
Fly out of London at 7:20 ...headed to Valencia, but my travels would not end there.
Still oh so much more to go.
I like the shot of Ben @ night. Hurry and post the rest of the story.....