Sarah didn't have to work so I had a real life London tour guide to take me around. But first, we woke up with bees. At least 4 different buzzing critters were in the flat when we woke up. Some were the scary stinger bees... but then we found these two poor bumbles trapped in the window. So we went into rescue mode.
Bee expulsion tool... an envelope.
No bees were harmed... and neither was Sarah.
Another double decker ride. My first ride on Thursday I was playing it cool (and there were a lot of people on the bus) so I didn't get a picture... but not being too cool today! View from our front row, top level bus seats.
I'm not sure if Sarah was quite ready for the amount of pictures I'd be taking today.
Stairs on a bus!

Thank god for these signs on the pavement as you cross street.
I referenced them every time. (I'm also not sure how I made this writing be underlined or how to undo it)
We went to Notting Hill and Portabello Road... Notting Hill I knew (ok I only knew if b/c of the movie) but I had no clue what Portabello Road was.
Very colorful it was.

Then the main attraction: The Market
Loads of people in the street... We walked around just looking at stuff. I bought a cupcake. Sarah bought some pants for Alex.
A lesson in British clothing terms.
American to British translation
Panties/Underwear = Pants
Pants = Trousers or Knickers ... or wait are knickers also panties? Sarah, help.
Sweater = Jumper
Quiz: What type of clothing article did Sarah buy her boyfriend?
Then we popped into this pub. I made Sarah take this picture in the tiny door.

My turn my turn.
Sign says: Mind Your Head.

Outside pub seating
Pub name
Sarah and I ... I asked the bartender what beer I should have since it's my first time in London. He said Timothy Taylor (well, that's what he said after Sarah translated it for me..."like the tool man, Emily") so that's what I had.
After some fish and chips (minus the fish), we moved in doors to get warm. I chased the chips with my red velvet cupcake from the market.
It was my trip to London that made me realize one major way I've changed since coming to Spain. I am now a chatty Cathy towards strangers. Twice this day Sarah left for the loo only to return and find me chatting it up with some new friends.
In this pub, Sarah left and I saw these three ladies looking for seats. There were none in the pub. Sarah and I had been occupying a large table with room for at least 5 or 6. I told them they were welcome to join us...that we could sit at one end and them at the other. Sarah came back and looked at me like, "What did you do?" But then we had one of the most interesting...or enlightening (what's the word Sarah) conversations with them.
Two were from Iran and one was from Uganda. I guess the subject of their countries' religions came up and Sarah made a comment: "I think Islam is such a beautiful religion."
All three women simultaneously gasped and said, "Noooooo."
Sarah and I just sat there not knowing what to say. We asked what they meant.
They basically said that so much evil is done by people in power in the name of Islam and Allah that they think it is a terrible religion. The blonde one in the photo below had almost been hanged twice in her life by the government in Iran. And Roxanna (the one all the way to the right) had fled Uganda years ago.
Well, all these little Mississippi girls could do was just stare at them in awe. Almost being hanged? Fleeing countries? I got nothing. We asked if they practiced any religion now. Two said no and one said Buddhism. Sarah cleared up her statement and said, "I think the principals of Islam are beautiful but of course it is not beautiful how many people in the world use it... or miss use it. Same with Christianity.. same with all religions."
Ok. No more deep pub conversations. Picture time ladies.
Got a stranger from the next table to take it.
"No, another one. Roxanna your hair is in your face."
Nevermind Roxanna.
I couldn't remember the other two's names because they were too difficult.
How about a zoom and crop on Mississippi.
We pub hopped over to another place I never knew the name of. Had a drink. Again, Sarah got up to go to the restroom and came back to chatty Cathy instead of Emily. I'd overhead some guys next to me saying something about Tampa and Miami. So, I turned to them and asked about it.
Me: "Did you say Tampa? I've been living in FL!" yaddah yaddah yaddah...One was going to visit.. yaddah yaddah
Then I asked where they were from. One I think was just from London.
The other one, a red head, said, "Edinburgh"
Me: "What? EdinburG?" (pronounced with a hard G at the end)
Red: "Oh no, you sound so American."
Me: "Um, how am I supposed to say it? What did you even say?" (it's a pub dude, give me a break.. I can't hear you)
Red: "It's Edinburgh" (just BUR at the end. No G)
Me: (nodding) "Oooh.. EdinBUR." Pause pause... "Where's that?"
Red: "You don't know where Edinburgh is?"
Me: "I wouldn't have asked if I did."
Red: "Scottland."
Me: In self defense to their tiny giggles, "Look, I could've just pretended like I knew where that was."
Red: "Yeah, you kind of nodded like you did."
Me: "Right, I thought about it. But instead of pretending and then going home to google it, I made myself look like an idiot and I asked you."
They seemed to agree that I deserve SOME credit for this. Around this time Sarah came back. We talked some more. Then at one point they asked questions about why I was in London...blah blah.. just visiting... doing the tourist things...saw Big Ben etc.
For some reason I mentioned the shirts that I bought at the market.
Guys: "Oooh no you didn't buy some touristy London flag shirt!"
Me: "Oh yes I did! I bought 3!"
Then, I proceeded to take one out of the bag and put it on over my turtle neck. They were just shaking their heads. They're lucky I didn't whip out my camera and get a photo with them too.
Finally, we told them our plans for the next day. I wanted to see the London Bridge.
Guys: "Well, you know about the bridge right?"
Me and Sarah: "What? What do you mean?"
I will pause this story for now. Because if you know what they meant... then, well done for you. But also, not well done because you should have told me this. I will explain what they meant tomorrow when I get to the bridges.
After learning this shocking bridge news, Sarah and I went to dinner. English food?
Noooooo of course not. AMERICAN FOOD at a place called the BIG EASY!
Coors light and a huge cheeseburger. . . Heaven
And one last thing to you, EdinBUR (and any other uppity Europeans):
Don't ever tell me, "You sound sooo American" again and mean it as an insult.
What am I supposed to sound like? I'm a freakin' American!
Should I sound Scottish or British and completely omit prominent letters in words? Get over yourselves.
Why shouldn't I sound like where I am from. Is that such a bad thing? NO. It's not. ....
Oh lord, I am sounding like a country song. But if you ever see that guy again Sarah, you tell him I said that.
No idea what Portabello Road was?!?! Emily, I thought you had seen every musical ever made. Bedknobs and Broomsticks, hellooooo? There's a whole dang song about it...
ReplyDeleteNever saw it. Guess I'll have to.
ReplyDeleteHow in the world have you never seen Bedknobs and Broomsticks!! There's even a song to Portabello Road! I will rehearse and have it ready for your return to the states. check your email tonight